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Group Members Repayment Report

The group members repayment report enables one to get details regarding repayment for loans taken by group members who are tracked at group member level and members can get individual loans.

How to view the Group Members Repayment Report

To view the Group Members repayment report you go to the Loans/Portfolio Reports/Group Members Portfolio Reports/Group Members repayment report and a screen like the one below shows up:

Note that Loan Performer offers the flexibility of displaying the report in different currencies.

Here you have to select the field in the Filter Criteria and also choose a Relational Operator, in the example above we checked "=" (the equals symbol). This symbol means the LNR will be equal to the Value selected.
In the screen above, the filter criteria selected is KA/000038 and the value of the loan selected is 1,200,000.

Click the Ok command button which will get you a pop up screen that will give you a summary of the filter options that you selected.

Click the Yes command button to generate a report on group members repayment report which will look like one below:

1. This report is for only group type client. For additional information on these options you can refer to Portfolio Report Formats.
2. When you do not select the additional filter option, you will continue with the details in the first screen and it will be as follows:


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